Experiencing Anxiety While Going Back To School

Published by Sara Chigani on: Oct 14, 2020 — Autism, Social Skills & Feelings

Whether your child has started back to school in-person or virtually, we are definitely in a unique time. The uncertainty of everything can create a sense of anxiety within children, who are very perceptive to the events and emotions around them. Kids may be experiencing anxiety when they never have before and perhaps without it being apparent to them or even their parents. Anxiety can be difficult to point out when you have never experienced it and because it may present differently in everyone. Because our lives have been turned upside-down during the pandemic, stress is bound to creep in whether it be in one family member’s life or everyone’s. It’s important to know the possible signs of anxiety in order to identify if it is a factor in your child’s life. The accompanying graphic lists several different signs of anxiety. A person can be experiencing one symptom or many symptoms, it just varies from person to person. Additionally, we included several ways to support your child with their anxiety during COVID-19. I can understand that providing extra support, when a family may be experiencing extra stress, can be difficult. However, it’s important to know what your options are and when outside support may be something to consider. Things like counseling, music therapy, or art therapy are all available outlets to help children express, understand, and calm their anxiety. Feel free to take a look at the accompanying graphic we’ve created to help identify anxiety. If you feel your child may be experiencing anxiety and think music therapy may be a great fit, please contact us. We would love to discuss any questions you may have. Stay safe and take care!

Sara Chigani, MA, MT-BC


Back-to-school anxiety during COVID-19. (n.d.). Children's Health. Retrieved September 16, 2020, from https://www.childrens.com/health-wellness/back-to-school-anxiety-during-covid-19

COVID19 Anxiety Support


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