Music Therapy and Autism

Published by Sara Chigani on: Oct 04, 2023 — Autism

Here at KidLinks we see a lot of clients diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Just as its name suggests, autism really is a very wide spectrum of symptoms. One client with autism can present with completely different symptoms as another client with autism. That is why music therapy can be such a great tool for clients with autism. Most of the time, autistic clients do very well with music. The inherent structure within music tends to provide a familiarity that clients need in order to learn challenging skills or behaviors. Additionally, music tends to be looked at as “fun” so clients typically don’t always notice they are actually engaging in therapy. Below is a graphic we created to help parents see all the different ways music therapy can help a child with autism. We hope this graphic can help and please contact us if you would like to learn more about music therapy and autism.

Sara Chigani, MA, MT-BC

Music Therapy and Autism


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