Music For Coping

Published by Sara Chigani on: May 06, 2020 — Behavior Ideas & Modifications, Social Skills & Feelings

Stress, frustration, and fear are just a few emotions kids may be feeling during this pandemic. Although, it can be difficult for kids to cope with those emotions in an appropriate way, here at KidLinks we have lots of different songs that can be helpful when figuring out a coping plan. Three specific songs to help do that include; “Breathe In, Breathe Out”; “Ready Set”; and “It’s Alright to Ask For Help”. Below is a breakdown of each song and ways you can use those songs in your sessions to help cope with different emotions. Give these interventions a try and if you try something new with these songs, we’d love to hear it!

Give these songs a listen:

"Breathe In, Breathe Out":

"Ready Set":

"It's Alright to Ask For Help":

Sara Chigani, MA, MT-BC

Music To Help Cope With...


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