Helping Kids Cope With A Pandemic

Published by Sara Chigani on: May 06, 2020 — Social Skills & Feelings

During these unusual times, stress is something we will inevitably deal with. When everyone is under the same roof for hours on end, working from home, home-schooling, etc. it can become stressful. Although children may not always fully comprehend the circumstances happening around them, they absolutely can sense when their parent(s)/caregiver(s) are stressed. Whether you are a caregiver or work with children, it’s important to allow kids the time and opportunity to freely express how they are feeling during this time. Below is a great resource available for caregivers provided by the World Health Organization. This can also serve as a great jumping off point with caregivers to discuss dynamics and circumstances at home. Take care everyone!

Sara Chigani, MA, MT-BC


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