Can you believe summer is almost over? With that, the first day of school is just around the corner. Starting a new school year means your child may be meeting new classmates for the first time. It can be a little intimidating to introduce yourself and talk about the things you like or don’t like. It can also be intimidating to do so in a music therapy session as well. Being able to write about yourself in a song creates the perfect ice breaker and is a great way that groups of children can engage with each other. For this month’s blog I created an “about me” songwriting template that therapists can use with new clients. The song is to be sung to the tune of “Folsom Prison Blues” and provides lots of opportunities for the client to talk about themselves in a structured way. We hope you can give this a try in your sessions and let us know how it goes!
Sara Chigani, MA, MT-BC

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