Learn More About Music Therapy and Gabby Giffords

Published by KidLinks on: Jun 15, 2018 — General MT Tools & Info

The scientific evidence supporting music therapy is one of the largest reasons why music therapy is accepted as a treatment for a wide range of disorders and diagnoses. There is no denying the repeated results scientists are achieving. Throughout clinics, schools, hospitals, Memory Care Communities and Hospice facilities, clients are responding to board-certified music therapists. Music making involves nearly every region of the brain and nearly every neural subsystem.

Do you remember our US congressional representative Gabby Giffords? She survived a Traumatic Brain Injury but with the help of a fabulous medical team and a music therapist, she regained her voice. Mrs. Giffords gave the world a powerful look into the important contributions of music therapists. This is one of the reasons music therapists are valued members of the KidLinks team. For more information check out the links below.


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