Let's Build A Virtual Gingerbread House

Published by Sara Chigani on: Dec 09, 2020 — Behavior Ideas & Modifications, Social Skills & Feelings, Themed Holiday

Can you believe it’s December? 2020 has been a trying and challenging year and I think we’re all interested to see what 2021 has in store for us. Just as the rest of 2020, this holiday season may look a little different. We may be staying close to home this year, not spending time with extended family members in-person, or perhaps scaling back on our usual holiday activities. As a result, I wanted to take a traditional holiday activity and transform it into an activity I could use in my virtual sessions. That activity is… building a gingerbread house! Kids love building gingerbread houses because well they get to play with candy, but they also have the freedom to create their own unique work of art. I think this intervention is great because you can really adapt it to whatever goal you need to address. The song I wrote to go along with the visual aid has specific directions in the verses, however you could definitely adjust the words and allow more creative freedom if that is appropriate for your client. Not only can you address following directions, but you can absolutely address color and number identification and identifying parts of a house. There are several different ways you can adapt this intervention, so I hope you’re able to give it a try and let us know how it goes! If you have any issues accessing the Boom Card, send us an email and we'd be happy to send it to you. Stay safe and happy holidays!

Link to Boom Card: https://boom.cards/fastplay

*If Boom Cards asks you for a pin please use: sdpq

Sara Chigani, MA, MT-BC


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