"Perfectly Imperfect" lyric analysis

Published by Sara Chigani on: Feb 04, 2020 — General MT Tools & Info, Social Skills & Feelings

Our wonderful music therapist, Gina Glidewell, MT-BC, wrote a song called "Perfectly Imperfect" as a result of a client session. Feel free to read just how this song came about in a previous blog post here.

Because perfectionism is a very real tendency for some of our clients, "Perfectly Imperfect" is a great song to use in a lyric analysis intervention. Doing so can help address feelings associated with perfectionism, how it impacts the client's daily life, and reframing maladaptive thoughts. Please take a listen to this awesome song and take a look at some previously posted resources that go along with it.

Infographic depicting how to use the song "Perfectly Imperfect" during a client session
How to use "Perfectly Imperfect" in a lyric analysis intervention


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