How to implement a musical task list

Published by Sara Chigani on: Feb 04, 2020 — Behavior Ideas & Modifications, General MT Tools & Info

Music selection is the key to an effective task list. This may take a bit of digging depending upon the cognitive level and the speech-language abilities of the client. I would recommend using a task list with adolescents or clients with disturbances in emotional and self-regulation. The process involves clients choosing music that they are familiar with. If the client is not able to give you this information, parents and caregivers can help in the music selection.

The overall function of the task list builds in the client’s preferences, has a recognizable music cue, which can be a non-preferred sound because the music cue is reminding them there is a change coming.

In the video example, the task list is used for building independence and paired with a visual schedule. This can successfully place independence and power in the hands of the client while reducing the tension between the client and parents/caregivers. Next time you are looking for a music therapy strategy think about a task list. It could serve as a win-win for the whole family.

Gina Glidewell, MT-BC


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