KidLinks Receives North Texas Giving Day Partnership Prize
Sep 20, 2019 KidLinks NewsKidLinks Receives North Texas Giving Day Partnership Prize
KidLinks Receives North Texas Giving Day Partnership Prize
Any parent knows that it’s natural for a child to begin dancing and singing at an early age. Children learn through music, art, and play, so it’s important to use these mediums when working with children in therapy.
“You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out, you put your right foot in, and shake you all about! You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around, that’s what it’s all about!”
A free, kid-centered concert featuring KidLinks music! August 10, 2:30pm-4:30pm, Gables Room at Rosewood Center for the Arts, 5938 Skillman, Dallas, TX 75231. Read more...
Speech and communication are an essential part of development as well as letting others know what we need. This is very important for kids and can be a source of great frustration when little ones have difficulty communicating and cannot get their point across. Music Therapists can help children with communication using music and its properties.
Recently, KidLinks attended the annual Texas Council Conference in Houston. We shared a new resource with many Texas Community Centers.