Interested in Telehealth Music Therapy?

Published by Leigh Trevino on: Apr 12, 2021 — General MT Tools & Info

Have you ever listened to a tune that brought back specific memories, reminded you of a special person, or made you feel calm or energized? Music certainly has that special power! For children, music can be a fun way to learn, relax and get through tough emotional or physical situations. For one of our MT families, the Tarletons, music therapy has helped tremendously with their son's communication and social skills. Music Therapy is also beneficial in treating children with autism spectrum challenges, neurological/physical trauma, fetal alcohol syndrome/effects, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, and multiple sclerosis.

We have open spots in our Telehealth Music Therapy Program for children! Did you know KidLinks offers up to 24 online music therapy sessions at no cost? After the FREE period, we also offer subsidized sessions based on the family's income level. Each weekly 30-minute one-on-one session is conducted with a Board-Certified Music Therapist.

Are you interested in Teleheath Music Therapy for your child? Fill out a MT Client Interest Form at to set up a phone consultation!


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