It Is November!

Published by Sara Chigani on: Nov 04, 2020 — General MT Tools & Info, Themed Holiday

If you are in the Southern region of the country like we are, here at KidLinks, you might have gotten your first taste of winter! Being a fan of winter, I love seeing and feeling the temperature drop, pulling out those jackets, and drinking a cup of hot chocolate. As the seasons change and we finish another month, we love to incorporate these changes and upcoming holidays into our music therapy sessions. Working with kids, these are all great factors to help kids learn the concept of time (whether it be days, months, or seasons) and help them understand what happens during those changes. When the client’s specific goals allow, I love integrating songs about starting a new month and the different things that may happen during that month. Which leads us to this month’s resource, it’s all about the month of November! To help clients learn about this month and the biggest holiday that happens, Thanksgiving, I wrote an original song and created a Boom Card visual to go along with it. Having the Boom Card while singing is great to help promote focus, engagement, and is a great way for the client to demonstrate his/her understanding of the material. If you work with younger kiddos, we hope this resource can be of use. Let us know what you think! If you have any issues accessing the Boom Card, send us an email and we'd be happy to send it to you.

*If Boom Cards asks you for a pin please use: qmyez

Sara Chigani, MA, MT-BC


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