Hugapalooza 2022!

Published by Sara Chigani on: Sep 13, 2022 — KidLinks News

A few weeks ago, we had our 7th annual Hugapalooza at the Rosewood Center for Family Arts in Dallas. I had the enormous pleasure to perform alongside multiple wonderful KidLinks musicians, including my fellow music therapist, Gina Glidewell, and therapeutic music entertainers; Paul G. Hill, Jim Newton, Bill Hudson, and Larry Dykstra. It was such an electric event full of KidLinks music, dancing, singing, smiles, and laughs. If you are unfamiliar with Hugapalooza, it is a free event as a way for us to say thank you to our community for all the support. Afterall, it is the support from our community that enables KidLinks to make the immense impact it does on the children we serve. It was hard to pick just a few of the best pictures, but I put a few together to share and hope we will see you there next year!

Sara Chigani, MA, MT-BC



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