Singing Along To The Frog Song

Published by Sara Chigani on: Jul 19, 2022 — Behavior Ideas & Modifications, General MT Tools & Info, Social Skills & Feelings

I hope you are staying cool wherever you are! It is officially a hot summer here in the DFW area and we are gearing up for our summer festivities. For this month’s blog I used the KidLinks song, “The Frog Song” and turned it into a fun little intervention. I really love this song because it is so versatile. I use it with mostly younger kids and is a great way to start talking about feelings which can lead into many different directions, just depending on what you are working on with your client. Not only is the subject great, but the musical qualities of the song are fantastic for younger kids too. The lyrics are simple, there’s lots of repetition, and the lyrics build with each verse, which also makes it great for kids working on sight words and beginning readers. This month I created a PowerPoint visual aid that goes along with the song. There is no audio to the PowerPoint, which allows the client to sing at their own desired speed. However, be sure to check out “The Frog Song” on the KidLinks webpage at the link below. Don’t forget to check out the other wonderful songs up there as well! We hope this helps in your sessions and let us know how it goes!

Sara Chigani, MA, MT-BC


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