Helping Kids With Learning Differences

Published by Leigh Trevino on: Aug 03, 2021 — Autism, Behavior Ideas & Modifications, General MT Tools & Info

There are many types of families and many types of children with learning differences. Never count a child out because of their behaviors or their style of learning. Throughout my career as a music therapist, I have experienced how the power of music and repetition can change perceptions and provide insight into a child’s style of learning. I’ve had more than one client that appears non-verbal begin to hum or softly repeat words or phrases of a familiar song used in our music therapy sessions. As you can imagine, this is extremely rewarding for me, but it also helps me to understand that connections are being made for the client even when it seems uncertain in my mind.

So, whether you are a parent or a new music therapist, begin to trust yourself and put your personal feelings on the back burner. As therapists, we do have the power to enhance the lives of our clients through music therapy. We can begin to shine a light on misperceptions surrounding learning differences within our communities and begin to reduce some of the stigmatizing thoughts and language we encounter.

Gina G. Glidewell, MT-BC


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