Through the generosity of our friends and supporters, KidLinks has served over 420,000 children and caregivers in the last 40 years. Now is your chance to be a part of the next 40 years! There are many ways to give, and your gift will have far-reaching effects. Thank you for your support!

Harmonize with Us: Make a one-time gift to “fund-a-need” for KidLinks

  • $10 - Provides 3 child-size rhythm instruments for sing-alongs
  • $50 - Funds 1 Therapeutic Music Entertainment performance
  • $250 - Covers 1 month of clinical Music Therapy for a child
  • $500 - Funds the recording of a new therapeutic song
  • $1,000 - Sponsors a music festival at a special care center
  • $5,000 - Supports the creation of a new animated video

KidLinks Giving Guild: Monthly & recurring gifts

Want an easy way to be a steadfast supporter? Join the KidLinks Giving Guild! You can choose your gift as a monthly, quarterly, or yearly contribution. Your continual gift will make a significant impact in supporting the amazing work being done by our Therapeutic Music Entertainers and Music Therapists.

Giving Levels:

  • Soloist: $5 per month
  • Prodigy: $10 per month
  • Prima Donna: $25 per month
  • Concertmaster: $100 per month
  • Maestro: $250 per month


KIDLINKS IS A REGISTERED 501(c)(3) ORGANIZATION, EIN 75-1786051 whose mission is linking kids to health and healing through music and media.